If you do a search for "power wagon" dodge on Google you'll get something in the
neighborhood of 20,000 hits. Wow! What do you need anybody's link page for? Well, I think
you'll find most of those hits are a little shy on useful information after the first ten
or so.
Fortunately, wine glass in hand, I have taken it upon myself to track down a few genuinely
useful Dodge Power Wagon sites and list them here for your convenience. Of course, you will
be burdened with my definition of useful. As stated elsewhere on this site, if it isn't a
Dodge W series within the years '61 to about '65, or a military of about any year, the
presence of relevant info here is purely incidental.
Also, the inclusion of a link is not necessarily an endorsement. Many of these folks I
haven't done business with. I'll comment where I have the experience to do so, otherwise
assume I have no knowledge and am merely passing along the information.
If you find any of these links broken please let me
Gordon Maney's Power Wagon Advertiser

© Gordon Maney, Power Wagon Advertiser
3090 Benton Iowa Road
Norway, IA 52318-9510.USA
I place Gordon Maney at the top because I think without the Power Wagon Advertiser it's
highly debatable how many of the resources below would even exist.
This little publication is edited and produced by Gordon Maney and has been in existance
since around 1984, if memory serves. I recall what things were like before it appeared on
the scene. Calling around the country for days to find something as simple as a lug nut
for a WM series truck, and never really certain you'd convinced the clown on the other
end it wasn't an M37.
Also, Maney is nearly a poet. I try not to get sentimental about my trucks, but reading
his monthly 'Sitting On The Tailgate...' is almost a spiritual experience. The man can
paint and conjure the scent of sun warmed gear grease and fresh mown grass with his
words. Be sure to click his
Philosophy link. You'll see
what I mean.
Anyone who is in the least bit serious about vintage Dodge Power Wagons must have a
subscription to this indispensable magazine. A bit pricey but not optional.
Dave Butler's Vintage Power Wagons

© Dave Butler, Vintage Power Wagons
302 S. 7th St.
Fairfield, IA 52556
Phone: 641.472.4665 or...
Toll free order line: 888.695.0578
Fax: 641.472.4824
"The world's largest supplier of 1940-1971 civilian Dodge Power Wagon and military Dodge WC
& M-37 4x4 & 2 WD parts and trucks."
That's a pretty big claim, and hard to dispute. Dave Butler and his gang are the original
source for NOS and Repro parts. They'll also take the time to help you out with technical
problems. A little pricey, occasionally, but they are the first stop when you need something
for your Power Wagon.
I recall back in the late '70s being referred to Dave by Vern Gleasman, the creator of the
unbeatable Torsen differential. I was trying to find people to buy 10 Torsens which Vern agreed
to build custom for $600.00 a piece in that quantity. He had heard of this Power Wagon guy in
Iowa. Now he's the Power Wagon guy.
Dave also hosts the genuine Annual Dodge Power Wagon Rally in Fairfield Iowa, which they state
is the worlds largest gathering of Power Wagons. I believe it was also the first, beginning in
1988. If you haven't attended, it's a very good time. Held every second full weekend in June,
you'll find mellow folks, pleasant scenery, and lots of old Dodge Power Wagons.
Dennis Sherman's Power Wagon Parts
Email: den@powerwagonparts.com

© Dennis Sherman, Power Wagon Parts
7 Shady Lane
Berlin, Ma. 01503
Phone: 508.735.2927
This guy has been around the old Dodge scene for quite awhile, first offering a few repro parts,
then used stuff. Currently he runs a semi-full time business dedicated to old Dodge military
Power Wagons. In addition to a decent list of used parts, he offers a line of reproduction
running boards and mounts, floor boards, bumpers, spare tire carriers, and a lot more.
Haven't dealt with him either, but I've always heard good stuff. Did buy a nice tee shirt from
him at the Vintage Power Wagon rally. Seems like a real stand up guy.
DC Trucks' JobRated.com
Email: jobrated@wave.net

© DC Trucks, JobRated.com
DC Trucks
1408 Dixie lane
Medford, OR 97501
Phone: 541.772.8992
Haven't dealt with these folks but their website lists a great selection of transmission parts
ranging across all models of the Dodge Power Wagon and various military trucks. They also have
transfer case, winch, and electrical parts and manuals.
Joe Cimoch's DodgePowerWagon.com
Joe Cimoch's flat fender Dodge Power Wagon website. Joe's is an old name in Power
Wagons and he provides some good info, including a brief history of the Power Wagon, a nice
collection of useful links, a very informative tabulated list of model designations tied
to year and serial number, and a bunch of other stuff. He's got a cool military Power Wagon
price list from '46 to '68, including options. Check him out.
Kris Wickstead's Sweptline.com

© Kris Wickstead, Sweptline.com
This is Kris Wickstead's site and has a nice selection of info on the Sweptline era trucks,
including how-to articles on engine rebuilds, drive train modifications, electrical system
troubleshooting, etc.
He also offers a very comprehensive parts source reference. Everything from NOS to repro
and current production parts for your truck. He lists some literature resources also.
Peter Rabin's Dodge City Truck Parts

© Dodge City Truck Parts
RR # 5
Sunderland, Ont., L0C 1H0., Canada
Phone: 905-985-0869
Fax: 905-985-9255
Founded in 1978 by Peter Rabin, a doctor of biochemistry, Dodge City Truck Parts is a labor of
love. They have purchased many dealer inventories over the years and therefore have a wide and
varied selection of car and truck parts.
In addition to their NOS parts stock, Dodge City also offers original literature, books and
manuals, suspension parts, and weather stripping. There is also a brief links page with some
originals. They are continuously adding to their inventory, so check pack frequently.
Valley Vintage Auto Parts

© Valley Vintage Auto Parts
P.O. Box 486
Brunswick, OH 44212
Phone: 440-355-4085
Fax: 440-355-5990
Valley Vintage claims one of the largest inventories of NOS Chrysler parts from 1935 thru
1980. They stock over 90,000 parts covering brake, suspension, gauges, switches, lenses,
moldings, seals and bearings and are constantly looking for NOS parts to buy, regularly
adding to their inventory.
The emphasis here is cars, but there's plenty of truck related stuff. Looks like an
excellent resource. Their website includes an online catalog and the ability to search
by part number.
Pat Walsh Restorations

©Pat Walsh Restorations
P.O. Box Q
Wakefield, MA 01880-0305
Phone: 781.246.3266
Fax: 781.224.3311 No, doesn't work any
better than the phone.
Pat's got probably the best selection of rubber for old Dodge trucks (and just about everything
else), and almost certainly the highest quality stuff, but he insists on running the whole show
himself. It's just too hot for one guy. Solution? Just don't answer the phone! Once he does,
he's the nicest dude and a wealth of information, not only on rubber but on various mechanical
In addition to rubber he has a constantly changing selection of NOS parts for old Dodge Power
Wagons (and just about everything else), and shop, parts, and owners manuals.
Excellent resource. Hemmings' used Pat's rubber in their Humpback Dodge restoration. Begin your
attempts to order well in advance. Worth the hassle.
Roberts Motor Parts

©Roberts Motor Parts
17 Prospect St.
West Newbury, MA 01985
Phone: 978.363.5407
Fax: 978.363.2026
Excellent resource for the pre '57 styled trucks, including the military Power Wagons up
to whenever in the '70s. They are a little thin on axles and related stuff, but incredible
selection of rubber parts and all kinds of mirrors, lights, electrical stuff, you name it.
Their ad says 'Truck parts for Dodge, Plymouth, Fargo, and Power Wagon!'.
Their website also lists a fair amount of literature, fender welt, windlace, pedal pads, etc.
You definitely want one of their catalogs although you can now access their complete
inventory via the website.
Mitchell Motor Parts, Inc.

©Mitchell Motor Parts, Inc.
13459 Fairmount Highway
P.O. Box 621
Fairmount, Georgia 30139 USA
phone 706-337-4606
fax 706-337-7306
"We stock over 1,000,000 new, used and reproduction parts for Chrysler built vehicles from
1924 to present..." quoth their website.
Similar to Roberts, but with less focus on rubber. Maybe a little less well known. They say
they're a 'Stocker & Merchandiser for 1941 to 1953 1/2 thru 3 ton trucks'. Excellent selection
of mechanical stuff and all the little interior and exterior trinkets, trim, electrical
switches, lights, etc.
Scott Blaylock's SweptlineParts.com

"SweptlineParts is a "FREE" resource Website for all Dodge Truck and Van enthusiasts."
Main claim to fame is an online original Dodge Power Wagon parts catalog. Includes a user
compiled part numbers database which, while undergoing development, looks like it could
ultimately be pretty useful. Help them out! Also, a chat room with a decent collection of
info. Got some decent links, though no descriptive info.
A note on the website states they have now acquired Sweptline.org,
for whatever use that may be to you.

© DodgeSweptline.org
The 61-71 Dodge Truck Association (DTA) Website, dedicated to Dodge Trucks of the Sweptline Era,
specifically the '61-'71 Dodge Sweptline pickups..
The DTA's Sweptline forum is the second most widely used after Kris Wicksteads Sweptline.com,
according to MoparNorm, the DTA's main man. He said the site is largely frequented by the same
group of users, having been spawned from the days when Kris lost his server and they were all in
The forum is the main focus of the site and contains quite a collection of accumulated Dodge Power
Wagon wisdom, so check it out and consider joining.

© Sweptline.org
"The '61-'71 Dodge truck online community" according to their main page. Not to be confused with
DodgeSwepline.org, this site features a "Message Forum" and chat room covering Dodge truck topics
from technical to parts sources and customization. They also have a parts database, although it's
under construction and a bit cumbersome to use as of this date.
The links page contains some useful additions and is conveniently categorized to help you find
what your looking for. All in all, worth a visit.
Hemmings Motor News

©Hemmings Motor News
Rt. 9W
P.O. Box 100
Bennington, VT 05201
Phone: 800.227.4373 or 802.442.3101
Why do I even include this one? Another non-optional publication for anyone who has a serious
interest in any vintage vehicle.
The website includes access for a parts locator, for use only by subscribers, and has a number
of categorized forums including one specifically for Dodge trucks.
Walter Miller's AutoLit.com Online

According to the web site, AutoLit.com features the largest inventory of Original Automobile
Literature in the world. They do pretty good, offering an impressive range of original sales
brochures, owner's manuals, parts microfiche and manuals, maintenance manuals, magazine ads
and articles, you name it. If it was printed and pertains to vehicles, Walter will have it.
Chuck River's & Doug Dutra's Slant Six.org

"Our Mission: To provide the best Slant Six technical and high performance information
for the benefit and enjoyment of the Slant Six community."
The name tells most the story. Not specifically dedicated to Power Wagons by any means,
but exhaustive info on my beloved slant six. More than you want to know. Has decent forum
with info beyond the engines, including drive train, although mostly auto.
"This is not your Grandma's slant six"
New Old Stock Mopar

©New Old Stock Mopar
"There are currently 3,626 parts in our inventory." The domain name pretty much tells the
story. Lots of NOS mopar, certainly not Power Wagon specific, but much potential. Not a
fancy site but a good online parts database.

This is a generic pickup truck enthusiasts site and the focus is pretty much on recent model
vehicles but it has a really neat Dodge truck history. Written by Don Bunn, author of Dodge
Power Wagons Photo Archive, the history pretty much covers Dodge trucks from start to finish
but includes sections specific to the Sweptside trucks and Power Wagons. Definitely worth
dropping in.

Madison, Wisconsin
Phone: 608.661.1376
"Auto Parts for American and Import Cars Built Since 1945"
Haven't actually dealt with these folks. They make impressive claims. Let me know.
Have a effective data base access scheme. Takes a moment or two (or 200) to load, but
then it quickly claims to have a pretty good selection of parts for older Dodge Power
Mark's DuVerger's Mopars

©Mark's Mopars
"61-71 Sweptline Trucks"
There's more to Mark's site but this is the sweptline devoted portion. Some very useful
VIN decoder stuff. He's not fully up to speed yet, but looks like it is, and will
increasingly be, a very useful site.
Colorado K5 Axle Guide

©Colorado K5
An axle identifier, starting with Dana, appropriately. Synopsis of general characteristics
of the various weight axles, running through Dana 25's to Dana 70's then off into Ford
land and beyond.
The home page for this site is primarily focused on GM 4x4's, but the axle info works for